During Your Case

Legal Docs During Your Case

Legal Docs During Your Case

  • Application for Default
    A legal document filed with the court stating that a party has complied with all applicable service requirements upon an opposing party in a family divorce law matter, that the opposing party has not responded, and a request for an entry of default against the other party.
  • Consent Decree
    A legal document filed with the court outlining the agreements of the parties in a divorce or legal separation action when the parties agree to ALL terms.
  • Default Decree
    A legal document outlining the terms of a divorce decree when the Court has allowed a party to proceed via default hearing because the other party has failed to respond to the Petition for Dissolution (Divorce).
  • Marital/Property Settlement Agreement
    A legal document filed with the court that outlines the agreements of the parties in a divorce proceeding concerning the distribution of property, assets, debts, and spousal maintenance.
  • Motion For Alternative Service
    A legal document filed with the court to request an exception to the requirements for serving legal documents upon the other party when there have been substantial methods undertaken to find and/or serve the other party, and the other party cannot be found or is avoiding service.
  • Motion for Protected Address
    A legal document that is filed with the court to request that the judge order a party's address, be protected from public disclosure.
  • Motion for Rule 12 Interview of Minor Child(ren)
    A legal document filed with the court requesting the Court to interview a minor child(ren) who is subject of a legal decision-making or parenting time dispute to ascertain the child's wishes as to both.
  • Motion for Rule 63 Mental Health Evaluation
    A legal document filed with the court requesting the court order that another party submit to a physical, mental, or vocational evaluation by a designated expert. This motion is typically utilized when the mental, physical, or vocational condition of a party or any other person is in controversy.
  • Motion for Summary Judgment
    A legal document filed with the court requesting that the judge rule that the other party has no case, because there are no facts at issue.
  • Motion for Telephonic Appearance
    A legal document filed with the court requesting that a party be allowed to attend a hearing via telephone instead of having to appear in person.
  • Motion to Consolidate
    A legal document filed with the court requesting to combine two cases into one proceeding when the two cases involve common questions of law or fact.
  • Motion to Continue
    A legal document filed with the court requesting that a hearing date be moved to a future date for a legally justified reason.
  • Motion to Dismiss
    A legal document filed with the court requesting that a judge dismiss another parties case for a legally justified reason.
  • Motion to Seal
    A legal document that is filed with the court where a party requests that a court record be redacted or sealed from public record, with a compelling reason as to why it is to be sealed.
  • Motion to Set and Certificate of Readiness
    A legal document filed with the Court outlining that party's readiness for trial and a request to set a trial date.
  • Motion to Set Resolution Management Conference
    A legal document filed with the court requesting the court to set a date and time for a Resolution Management Conference.
  • Motion to Vacate
    A legal document filed with the court requesting that a hearing date be cancelled or changed to another date for a legally justified reason.
  • Notice of Change of Judge as of Right
    A legal document filed with the court requesting to change a judge in their case. Must be done before a substantive ruling has been issued by the judge.
  • Parenting Plan
    A legal document filed with the court that outlines the precise terms of legal decision-making, parenting time, and other child rearing decisions that is in the best interest of the minor child(ren).
  • Petition for Open Negotiation
    A legal document that is filed with the court requesting alternative channel(s) to reach agreements or settlements on particular issues in the parties' case.
  • Petition for Temporary Orders
    A legal document filed with the court requesting to have a judge make an order on a temporary basis pending final resolution of a family court matter. A Petition for Temporary Orders can include issues concerning financial responsibilities in a divorce proceeding and/or issues concerning minor children in a family law matter (ie: legal decision-making, parenting time, and child support).
  • Petition for Conciliation Services
    A legal document filed with the court requesting conciliation services when one or both parties want to try to reconcile their marriage.
  • Premarital Agreement
    A document that clearly identifies financial expectations in contemplation of marriage.
  • Pretrial Statement
    An in-depth legal document filed with the court outlining the nature of the action, parties of the action, minor children involved, length of the trial, list of witnesses and exhibits, stipulations or agreements of the parties, non-contested and contested facts/issues, etc.
  • Resolution Management Conference Statement
    A mandatory legal document filed with the Court outlining the issues in a case and a party's position(s) on those issues prior to the parties' Resolution Management Conference.
  • Response or Reply to Opposing party's Pleadings
    A legal document filed with the court in response or reply to a Petition, Motion, or Request of another party.
  • Rule 69 Agreements
    A legally enforceable document filed with the court outlining any agreements made by the parties in the action.
  • Settlement Conference Memorandum
    A mandatory confidential document outlining the issues in a case and a part's position(s) on those issues prior to the parties Settlement Conference.
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