Family Law Legal Document Preparation
Arizona Family Law and Divorce Case Document Preparation Focus Areas
Draft My Legal Docs provides drafting, reviewing and filing of many forms of legal documents in family law cases.
Draft My Legal Docs is a legal document service in Phoenix, Arizona, that specializes in the expert preparation of documents for legal cases in Arizona family court. Legal cases are complex, stressful, and emotionally draining, and our document services can assist you in the process of drafting and filing your most critical documents.
Available legal documents are categorized as followed:
These focus areas reflect the professional legal services we offer.
Many couples seek an annulment to quickly dissolve a recent marriage without the need to divide property or make difficult legal decisions. An annulment may enable you to make even a long-standing marriage legally void, provided you can prove you have a legitimate reason, such as fraud, coercion, bigamy, or other instances where the marriage should never have taken place.
Same-Sex Divorce
Same-sex divorce in Arizona features many of the same issues as other divorces, but there are some unique situations involved. In same-sex marriages, adoption or third-party conceptions are more common than in opposite-sex marriages, which can create paternity, parenting time, and legal decision-making complications. Under Arizona law, the parental rights of both parents are equally recognized, and the division of property and other assets may be affected.
Legal Separation
Divorce is not always the most feasible option for couples who want to separate, particularly if the couple shares children or financial ties. Legal separation allows you and your spouse to determine important issues regarding living separately. You are allowed to live apart from your spouse without legal separation, but pursuing a legal separation enables you to outline finances, child custody, and other important issues without relinquishing other important rights.
Order Enforcement
Order enforcement becomes necessary if one party in a divorce or other family court case fails to fulfill their court-ordered obligations. These obligations may include failing to pay spousal maintenance, failing to pay child support, or refusing to follow a child custody order. Order enforcement actions may include withheld tax refunds, professional license suspension, and jail time. Draft My Legal Docs can provide you with the documents and filing services necessary for a petition to enforce.

Arizona operates under community property law. This means that during the divorce process, any assets or debts the couple obtained during the marriage are considered the property of both spouses and are subject to property division. The process of determining how these assets and debts will be divided is complex and must be completed via a settlement agreement or litigation, and property and debt division documents are an essential component of divorce.
Spousal Maintenance (Alimony)
Spousal maintenance is a payment made from one ex-spouse to the other to prevent financial difficulties after a divorce, though these payments are not a factor in every divorce. Spousal maintenance often dictates that a higher-earning spouse will provide payment to a lower-earning spouse to reflect the standard of living both parties enjoyed during the marriage. The payment can also compensate a spouse who gave up education or professional opportunities during the marriage, resulting in a lower earning potential.

Divorce and family court cases involving child custody can be highly emotional. In fact, child custody disputes can be one of the most difficult components of marital separation or divorce cases. Child custody determinations can involve decisions surrounding paternity, parenting time, decision-making, and other childcare rights and responsibilities. Filing for child custody rights must be done in a timely manner to ensure the best interests of your children.
Grandparents’ 3rd Party Rights
In some child custody cases, a third party can request legal decision-making rights or parenting time with the child. Third parties often include grandparents, aunts and uncles, or other non-parental familial adults. Seeking legal custody of non-biological children is often a difficult case to navigate, as courts tend to favor biological parents’ rights. You must prove a significant and lengthy relationship with the child, and securing legal guidance while filing the necessary documents is essential
Proving paternity is necessary to establish several parental rights and responsibilities, including child custody, visitation rights, and child support. Whether you are claiming, proving, or disputing paternity, it is essential to ensure you file the necessary paperwork to assert your rights. Our experts can assist you with drafting and filing your paternity documents.
Parenting Time
In Arizona, physical custody is instead referred to as parenting time. Determining parenting time and visitation is a complex decision that must be approached with care and attention to the necessary court documents and filing deadlines. Draft My Legal Docs can help you draft the necessary registration documents and ensure you meet all deadlines to secure a parenting time decision that meets your needs and the best interests of the child.
Parenting time agreements can be impacted if one parent moves. It is in the best interests of both parents and the child in question if the partners draft a new agreement that accounts for everyone’s needs. Our attorneys can draft and file legal relocation agreements that ensure fair parenting time for both parents.

Determinations of child support are primarily based on income and parenting time. However, every family is different, and each child support situation deserves legal documents tailored to the child’s and family’s unique needs. Whether you and your ex-partner are working together to create an agreement or are involved in litigation, it’s essential to have child support documents drafted by a legal expert.
Child Support Enforcement
Court-ordered child support is a mandatory payment that provides for children’s needs. These child support payments are enforced by the state once parents separate. If your child’s other parent is failing to meet the legal responsibility of child support, you will need to petition the court for child support enforcement via specific, well-crafted documents.
Calculating Child Support Payments
Guidance from a legal professional can help you determine whether child support and custody arrangements are fair and equitable. Your family’s and your child’s well-being is important, and precise child support calculations are crucial to maintain that well-being. The attorneys at Draft My Legal Docs can draft and file a number of child support documents to ensure the proper court orders are in place.
Establishing Child Support
Arizona child support determination uses a specialized calculator to determine parental incomes and modulate child support based on parenting time. The skilled family law attorneys at Draft My Legal Docs can assist by drafting and filing a number of child support documents. Correctly filed child support paperwork is a key step to ensuring your child’s needs are met.
Modifying Child Support
Filing for child support modifications may be necessary if the income of one or both spouses changes or if other extenuating circumstances have changed the parenting time agreement. In these cases, a petition for modification can be processed and filed to request that the court revisit the case. In this way, your child support agreement can more closely match your current circumstances.

Marital agreements allow a married couple to determine the distribution of assets and make other legal decisions that will become relevant in the event of a divorce. These documents enable couples to avoid complicated property division litigation. A primary reason couples choose marital agreements is to limit property division, protect one spouse from the other spouse’s debt, or prevent the division of family property.
Marital agreements are especially common in high-asset marriages, marriages that occur later in life, and marriages between spouses who want a potential divorce to be completed quickly. A marital agreement can prevent lengthy property battles and litigation.
Postnuptial Agreements
Postnuptial agreements are crafted after the marriage and are often useful if one spouse accrues a significant amount of debt or opens a business. Unlike prenuptial agreements, postnuptial agreements are not covered by the AZ Uniform Premarital Agreement Act. Legal documents from Draft My Legal Docs can help you ensure the legal enforceability of your postnuptial agreement.
Prenuptial Agreements
Prenuptial agreements must be created and signed before marriage. These agreements allow you to plan for the future and determine the financial outcomes of a potential separation. Document preparation by professionals can ensure you create a legally valid and enforceable prenup that is tailored to your circumstances.

The skilled attorneys at Draft My Legal Docs know just how much family, juvenile, and divorce law can impact your life and your loved ones. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all guide to creating legal docs for case types, and that’s why we discuss your case with you before we draft and file your individualized and detailed documents. As long as your case remains open, you’ll also receive unlimited revisions to ensure you receive the best possible outcome for your case.